Architects, Engineers, and Designers
Biscred's database includes more than 40,000 firms and more than 214,000 people with commercial architectural, engineering and design expertise.
Developers, Builders, and General Contractors
With 100,000+ CRE builders in the Biscred dataset, you can drill down to find the right prospects, in the right places, at the right time and grow your business.
CRE Brokers
Biscred connects you with over 23,000 CRE brokers and brokerage firms across the U.S. including debt and equity brokers, sales brokers, and landlord and tenant brokers.
CRE Owners & Investors
With more than 180,022 contacts in Biscred, you can easily connect with private equity investors, real estate investment firms, and REITs in commercial real estate.
Explore Biscred by Industry
With Biscred, you get access to one of the largest databases of contact information in the commercial real estate industry. Find people data and company data for CRE firms and professionals working in a variety of company industries. No one slices and dices CRE data like Biscred. Grow your business today and connect with builders, developers, financial firms, suppliers, technology firms and more. Select any of the categories below for a sampling of our data in each industry.